Blogger/Blogging · Writing

5 Things I Do NOT Have To Do As A Blogger

I have noticed ever since last year there were certain things I believed I had to do as a blogger. Things I thought I had to allow because I strive for patience, humility, and understanding. But sometimes I was letting my pearls be trampled. Sometimes, I stretched myself too thin, or let people take advantage of me. 

*Shakes head. No one deserves that.

And no blogger should ever go through burn out either. I hope these are helpful to you!

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I Do Not Have To Accept Your Comment– This is the harshest thing I’m going to say. But my requirements are if you do not connect to the material I posted I do not have to approve your comment. If your words go from “I like this,” to, “check out my blog,” your comment may not be accepted. 

Especially as a Christian blogger, I see some comments purely focused on trying to stumble me up or others. A random question on the Trinity will appear on a flash fiction post or a piece of scripture about encouragement…nope. Not going to even deal with it. Sincerity goes a long way, being a troll won’t. 

Comments that lecture or belittle me will also not be accepted, and that took me a while to accept as a blogger because I thought that would stumble the person up. By…being honest or just not allowing it. Yep…I thought THAT, by me protecting myself, would be a stumbling block to someone else.  

If someone is stumbling us up, it’s okay to stop them. I’ve had to call people out for these actions. I’ve never named them or even said what gender this person was. Yet, as soon as I called people out for these actions they stopped commenting and unfollowed me. Why? Because they knew. If you are not doing these things, you are not guilty of them.

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But if you purposefully are stumbling someone up, lecturing them, and trying to make them look like they know nothing, when you don’t know them…and then those actions get called out and you get convicted…take some time to just listen. 

I Do Not Have To Read/Comment On Every Post Everyone Writes– For many people, I do read every post. But this is not a requirement. When I was getting burnt out I was stressing myself out about not being able to catch up with everyone. This is completely ok!!! And I know most people do not read every single post of mine. Why am I restricting myself to something I’m okay with if others do not do?

We are not going to connect with every post every single person writes, and this is okay. Don’t force yourself out of fear if you do not read every post people will not read yours. That was my fear.

I Do Not Have To Have A Schedule–  I think having a schedule is really good! Don’t get me wrong. I think having a schedule and keeping it consistently can be very beneficial. For me, it helped me blog more. It helped me come up with ideas more and I struggled with coming up with ideas before.

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But I was the only one who forced myself to keep to a particular schedule. No one else is forcing us to maintain a particular schedule on our blogs unless we write for someone.

I Do Not Have To Stay With A Series– Similar to a schedule, having a particular series we come up with may become too much. On this blog, my learning a country series was A LOT! I spent about three days if not more FOR ONE POST. The thing is I write multiple posts in a week for Inside Cup alone, and I’m also trying to write a book. I do not have the time or brain power for a series that originally was supposed to take place every week, to every two weeks. It was just too much. 

Some readers may be involved with a series, but this cannot be the reason you continue it. I’ve had some people tell me certain series they enjoyed, and I want to say this for those of you who enjoys a series of other bloggers. Let them know! Do not just like a post, but comment and be engaging to the discussion. When I finished my Alphabet Devotional series on Inside Cup, towards the end of it, when I was going through being burnt out, there were fewer comments and engagement. It was a lot to keep going. When the series finished, I received a handful of comments asking if I was going to continue something similar because people really enjoyed it. But I did not see everyone commenting or being engaged with the devotional as it was a community devotional. 

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I totally get not everyone has something to say or people have crunch time so they cannot respond. We all have our reasons for things we do and do not do. But for a blogger and a series or even a post, the more engagement we see, the more our audience tells us they are involved, and they like it. I really thought people did not like the Alphabet Devotional as much as they did when I started it. But in truth, this was not the actual case. People did enjoy it. 

And it is okay to space out series and topics related to a series. Even if you only do one post a month from a series you’ve created, that’s okay. Some posts take time and you may not be able to keep up with it as much as you may want to.

I Do Not Have To Help Other Bloggers– This goes for everyone. You are not required to help every single person that wants help. You can choose to.

I do because I like it. I like helping other bloggers. I love discussing topics and ways we can become better bloggers and writers. Thus this post being one of them.

But this is not required, and why, when we ask for help, we should make sure we are not trying to take advantage of anyone. When I talk about this, I’m not purposefully trying to make anyone feel guilty, especially people I’ve helped. I talk about this, multiple times, because I see all too often people get taken advantage of. People do not know when to try on their own, and bloggers do not know when to say no without “looking bad” or feeling bad.

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Helping others is something we get to do, not something we have to do. But never strain yourself and stretch yourself thin because people want help, advice, or for you to do everything for them. That helps no one. 

My favorite way of helping is when someone needs only one or two things and that’s it. They take what they’ve asked for and they go with it. And when people ask me things that I have not written about it is always an inspiration to write a post to help. 

We can learn from each other. We should not just take from each other.

I hope these were helpful to you!!! 
Monthly question- What is one tip as a writer or blogger, you wish you knew sooner? 

Know What Your Calling Is.Don't Give Up.Don't Stop.And Keep Peeking Beneath.

Main Blog: Inside Cup

Social- Twitter: T. R. Noble   Facebook Page: T. R. Noble   Pinterest: TRNoble77


56 thoughts on “5 Things I Do NOT Have To Do As A Blogger

  1. Thank you for your listing of 5 things you don’t have to do as a Christian blogger. From one of your fellow bloggers, I always strive to say encouraging words. We are to build one another up especially in the Body of Christ! Keep writing for GOD, whatever HE puts upon your heart…….keep persevering Sister!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amen! So important we keep walking forward in His truth ❤ thanks for your encouragement! Peeking Beneath is actually my second blog so I do not always writing on here, but my main blog Inside Cup I write daily on. This post was more focused on basic blogger things, but if you are interested into Christian blogger posts I do cover those on my main blog 🙂 I recently had one this past week on 5 Things most Christian bloggers struggle with.

      Keep persevering as well 🙂

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      1. It can be difficult definitely was for a bit and then I found a balance that worked and then decided to hold back on the second one so I wouldn’t get burnt out devoting time to my main one 🙂

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      2. 🙂 I honestly think most people only need one blog. I have two mainly because I was running out of room during the week and I want to be able to cover an assortment of other things. But most blogs are able to do this without a second one 🙂 and that’s ok.

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  2. I am so happy you wrote this!! You should never put these on yourself! You already go above and beyond with all of them anyways.

    Thankfully, I have not had to deal with the kind of comments you have. But I just want to encourage you that the fact that people comment those things is just a sign that your blog is big! In any big blog where you are putting yourself out there and talking about hard topics, there are going to be people with stuff to say. But you just keep doing you!!! 💗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I have learned so much and I hope it is beneficial to others 🙂 Tough comments have slowly humbled me this past year especially when they came from people I know better. I get I write about tough topics, that’s what God has put on my heart since I was 13. And He guides me to distinguish between what can be productive and what is not 🙂 you are so kind, Lea! Thank you.

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  3. I agree with everything that you said for those are also my rules when it comes to blogging. If I don’t have something to say even after reading a lovely post, I’ll leave a like. Great post, T.R.!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks! I appreciate your insights. Sorry, I only keep up with 1 of your blogs; I get almost a dozen to check out at a time since I try to get weekly posts from some who post daily. I spend at least 2 hours a week on my own weekly blog, so I’m working to not get snowed under/burned out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No worries at all!!! I completely hear you!!! 🙂

      I’ve spent hours, sometimes daily, trying to keep up with everyone and that is very difficult to do. I also post daily and several hours are spent in the week writing up posts, and then I am also working on a book. We can’t do it all, and that’s perfectly okay 🙂

      Yes, absolutely! Make sure you are not getting burnt out, and if you are, breaks are okay!


  5. This is really helpful, Thank you. I am transitioning my blog, from a creative blog into a Christian Blog, as it is originally what I wanted to do, but wasn’t sure how to do it. Your blog has been very helpful for me, as I am still learning everything about it. and it is something I have wanted to do for over 10 years, but I felt this is the season for me to attempt it. I am learning to be ok with it, if it doesn’t go so well. Thank you, also as I find the one thing I am worrying about the most is being to polarizing, but seeing how you handle comments is very helpful as well.

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    1. I’m so glad this has been helpful to you! Sometimes you have to go through the difficult experiences to prepare for the next. Scripture encourages us that trials create perseverance and I see how God makes this more and more true. Thankfully, not all of these experiences happened at once. And it has helped me 🙂 when the next one comes. I hope you keep walking forward and keep giving it over to Christ. He will guide you!!

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  6. I think this is great advice because it’s real! I especially like the points on maintaining a schedule and maintaining a series. I choose to keep a schedule of posting on Tuesdays and Fridays, but there’s no expectation of what to post on any day, so I’m free to post whatever I want–sometimes, it’s a post I started months ago, and sometimes, it’s a post I wrote in a flurry of inspiration a few days ago. For me, that posting schedule doesn’t restrict my creativity/Spirit leadings, yet it provides some accountability for me to keep up with writing. I imagine that a schedule with a
    certain type of post several days a week could get tiresome and even stale. For those who are super busy with a career or children, even my posting schedule might be too strict. Guess it all depends on the person, so we must reflect once in a while and make sure we are still excited! My boyfriend owns an insane amount of movies he’s trying to get through, and I tell him, “It’s the same with blogging; we have to remember that WE are the only ones putting pressure on ourselves.”
    I’ve unofficially discontinued a few series. I got to the point of not enjoying my historical posts (X Years Ago, on this day), and they didn’t get that many views anyways. My series on vitamins and minerals in food was done before it started after all the work I put into that one post about fruit, lol.

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    1. Oh my goodness, I hear you! I have a schedule for Inside Cup on what kind of posts go on what days but it is much more loose which helps me not feel weighed down as before. I also know what you mean about the series. It can be a great idea but we just don’t realize the amount of time being invested into it. And it is sad when the posts have lower views but a little easier to let go of.


  7. I am new to blogging and I’ve only been at it for a month. A couple of your points are things that they tell you to do to help build your blog…like responding/reading to comments and having a schedule. But it’s nice to know that you don’t have to do these things. Blogging can be a bit overwhelming especially for a newbie. So thank you for this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally support responding and reading comments 🙂 but if comments do not relate to the material I posted I realized I do not have to approve them or engage. Having a schedule can be very beneficial. But it is ok to break schedule and change things around. 🙂 The more you become familiar with your style, audience and what works for you in general it becomes easier. 🙂 But dont feel forced to learn everything in one day. Some things take time.

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  8. I like all your points, but especially the first one. That verse about the pearls crossed my mind recently, too, not just for other bloggers, but for other people who have an abusive way of talking to me. God says we are valuable, and we don’t have to let others stomp us into the ground. Thanks for sharing this!

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  9. “I Do Not Have To Accept Your Comment” – This one. I used to think that I did. I didn’t want anyone to think that I was ignoring them even if their comment was a “come look at my blog” comment. I don’t approve those now.

    “Comments that lecture or belittle me will also not be accepted” – It’s so hard sometimes for me to decide if someone is genuinely adding to the conversation or is trying to do this. If the lecture is because I was wrong, then I like to know when I am wrong. But at the same time, I don’t want the belittling part… this hasn’t happened on my blog much, but there were a couple of times when I wondered.

    “I Do Not Have To Read/Comment On Every Post Everyone Writes” – This one is the hardest one. I’m still struggling with this. There are so many things I want to do in a day, and to get to everyone, it takes many hours. And I got burnt out. There are so many wonderful people who write awesome posts and I feel guilty when I can’t get to them all.

    “I Do Not Have To Have A Schedule” – And this. I used to post Monday, Wednesday, Friday. (And for a while, I also posted every weekday, but I eventually stopped doing that.) And then I cut out Fridays. And Wednesdays. And then added Wednesday back. And sometimes post on Tuesday or Fridays. I’m all over the place and I felt like I was lucky to have people put up with my wonky schedule. XD

    “I Do Not Have To Stay With A Series” – This connects with above. I never wanted to skip Wednesdays, but sometimes, it’s bound to happen and I need to accept that. XD

    Also, about your Alphabet Devotional – I never lost interest. I had no letters to add at the end. X, Y, and Z were so hard and others already said the words I had come up with. (And some other weeks were the same.) I didn’t want to give you repeats. 🙂 I loved reading it every week, even though I didn’t comment every week.

    Thanks for opening up about this – it’s nice to know I’m not the only one to feel these things, and it is so helpful to see how you handle them. 🙂

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    1. 🙂 yes!!! And this is why I really wanted to share because I know others can relate! I’m so glad you shared how you relate so others can see it is not just them.

      I thank you for explaining about your perspective in the Alphabet Devotional. As I shared in another comment, I read into too much as I made the series. I think I let numbers speak more than they should have. But this is also why I encourage others to comment and engage cause we do need that awareness 🙂 but we need to be careful in judging a whole piece. Individual readers can easily be forgotten, and everyone matters 🙂

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      1. I’m so glad that you shared! ❤ 🙂

        Aww, thanks. **blush**

        ❤ I didn't want you to think that I lost interest or was just liking it without reading or something. 🙂

        Yeah – and that is something I struggle with a bit. Commenting. XD I'm starting to comment more, but I usually read and like, rarely commenting. I'm trying to do better in this area. 😀 I want people to know that they and their blogs are appreciated!

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      2. I think you are doing better at commenting. It can be scary but so important we reach out to others. I think I want to write a post on the importance of reaching out and commenting, and how it can help us grow too. 🙂

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  10. 🦋 I totally agree…on most but I haven’t had the obvious experience you have shared here.

    The words you shared on commenting on others posts is one I approach the same. I’m not just a writer, I’m a reader but if a post doesn’t grab me than I don’t comment. If I don’t like what someone has posted I won’t even ‘like’. If I do like, then I like. If I love something I try to comment and try to express why. If I can’t well…sometimes I flutter in anyway… 🦋

    I totally agree with:
    “We can learn from each other. We should not just take from each other.”

    Don’t let other bloggers get you down with their attempt to gain…whatever that gain is. 🦋

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, we are writers when we write, but we are readers when we read! 🙂 And agreed! We may not like everything, and that’s okay. I’m the same, if I don’t like something, or can’t support it, I will not like it. I think comments are a personal thing. Some people struggle with comments because they are shy. This totally makes sense. It may be more than just a person not commenting. I have to work on that 🙂 I think sometimes I “read” haha, into things that may not be true. My misconception of how people internalized a series is a perfect example of that.

      Thank you so much for sharing and your encouragement 🙂 !

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    2. Thanks for sharing I totally agree because I can’t read everyone’s post myself and I worried about that too and I worried about people reading my blog but I learned if you touch one person that’s enough as long as it’s positive message and it grabbed you that’s all that matters. And we can learn and grow from each other

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