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A Writer Or A Dreamer | Writer Thoughts

There are some people in this world who have the gift of ideas. There are some people who have the gift of pursuing those ideas and completing them.

Some people are gifted in both.

The same can be said when it comes to writing and writers.

I see so many writers struggle with writing. It becomes more of planning and dreaming of possible storylines and ideas. But many never make it to the paper. They remain floating thoughts of the mind and heart.

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We have SO much going on in our mind it’s hard to capture everything. True story. I’m working on making sure I always have a notepad on me for this reason.

Perhaps it is a fault of being creative. But this problem certainly explores what truly makes a person a writer.

Or in truth…how we, as an individual, define a writer.

At first, I thought there was only one way of looking at this. If we dream more than we write, then we are more dreamers than writers. But the truth is everyone has a different measure.

We have strengths. We have weaknesses. How we define ourselves as a writer will vary.

So, I’m going to share my perspective on this, and I want you to share yours 🙂

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I think a true writer, above all else, has endurance and dedication. It isn’t just about writing something down for fun. It’s about continuing to push through the obstacles we originally think we can’t overcome.

In my opinion, writing isn’t always easy. Dreaming is the easy part. Writing is the execution of ideas and completing full thoughts. Often times imparting a message.

I take the title of writer seriously, and I look at the name as something earned.

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But I must take a few steps back and truly analyze these thoughts. We sometimes become so passionate and so certain about our perspective it’s hard to see others. There is a flaw in my perspective by not sharing the EXACT reasoning behind it.

My perspective comes from ONE major aspect of writing, just one.

Writing and completing a novel.

Let’s be truthful. Finishing a novel is different than blogging. It’s different than poetry. It’s different than a prompt. It’s its own category. I learned so much when I wrote my first novel, then the second, and third. Something I never imagined at first.

I had to learn about making goals and sticking to them. Endurance and persistence were seeds I had planted in hopes (dreams)…but the reality was I had to water them every day (writing).

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Which leads to why I look at my writing in the perspective I do, and I apply that perspective to my blogging especially. I see some bloggers give up on writing because they don’t feel “happy” when they do it. And for me, that is not a good enough reason to stop but that comes from my perspective as a novelist.

I’m not talking about when it is unhealthy to keep blogging. Simply when someone struggles and they let the struggle become an easy defeat. 

I write more than for myself, and blogging is the same. I have a schedule and an audience…an audience who I’ve been blessed to call community 🙂 God has shown me there are people I can reach out to. This has always been my main calling for my writing. Therefore I can’t give up.

I do not only wish to dream or plan. I want to set it down in ink. I want to share with others. Letting feelings and doubt rule over me are enemies I refuse to let win. God has taught me better. ❤

Whatever your perspective is, please consider the reason of why you write. If you want to reach others, I highly encourage you to truly push through the barriers you feel stopped by.

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Even if it is one step at a time.

One word at a time.

And should anyone dare to call you a bad writer…

Take it as a compliment.

For you still earned the title of “writer.” 🙂

Because above all else…writers write.

What makes a writer in your eyes?

Do you prefer dreaming?

T. R. Noble

11 thoughts on “A Writer Or A Dreamer | Writer Thoughts

  1. Writing has been a passion of mine since I was 9 years old. However, I’ve let that passion dwindle over a span of many, many years and am just now starting to get back into it.
    Thanks for posting this. It is very encouraging!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love writing! Even when I have so much going on in my mind, ideas never leave hence the reason I neglect to carry a notebook. I know it’s bad, but I thank God for this gift. I’ve finished quite a few novels over the years, but I’m not looking to publish any of them. For me, a writer is anyone who writes once they love writing, words, and have a good sense of imagination.

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  3. Thank you, TR! Writing novels has been the biggest challenge and accomplishment of my life!! Your words somehow always capture exactly what I can’t say in words myself, but then isn’t that always a writer’s job!? 💕💕

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    1. 🙂 yes! Some of the biggest challenges have the most amazing feeling and sense of accomplishment because you know what it took to get there. A writer shares on is on their heart, and when it connects to someone else it’s a really special feeling 🙂

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