Writing Prompts

Write With Me | Late Night Work

Happy Week 22!

We have reached the end of May. How is that possible? This month has been flying by. Working on my series timeline, and getting ahead with blog posts.

This week’s words 

Possibility, Throat, Performance, Computer, Mode, Depth, Reception


Late Night Work 

“Why don’t you take a break,” her roommate gently asked before leaving her alone.

Minutes after the door was closed, she lifted up her head thinking she heard someone.

Stirring silently, she turned once again to her work.

Her throat tickled as the ticks of clock echoed in the room. Computer screen flickered against the dim desk light. The possibility of being accepted to being the first to perform never crossed her mind before. But now it did.

She wanted to do well. Her fingers cramped, but she continued to type. She would be ready for the reception. There was no depth she would not go to.

But with the morning light peering through the windows, a fever-flushed her cheeks.

Her body argued against the workload, but just before slipping into sleep mode her fingers slid against the enter key.


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(Check out my main blog, Inside Cup, here)

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